Hacking and Hacker word is very unique in it and there is several hackers in the world some are hide and some are open and many of them is white hacker and many of them is black hacker, but some hacker do not show them self's and we want to tell you that indian hackers are also very good they can also break many security walls of internet. We just want to show Top 10 Hackers of India. You how to hack website, How to Trace a website. How to Send secret data to others. If you want to make your server undetectable, you need to know how AVs work and
how they detect your files, right? There are a few ways that AVs use to detect your server heuristics, sandboxing etc.
List of Top 10 Hackers of India
1. Ankit Fadia
Ankit Fadia is an independent computer security and digital intelligence consultant with definitive experience in the field of Internet security based out of the Silicon Valley in California, USA. He has authored 14 internationally best-selling books on numerous topics related to Computer Security that have been widely appreciated by both professionals and industry leaders the world over. His books have sold a record 10 million copies across the globe, have been translated into Japanese, Korean, Portuguese and Polish and are also being used as reference textbooks in some of the most prestigious academic institutions around the world. He was one of eight people named MTV India's Youth Icon of the Year for the year 2008.2. Pranav Mistry
Pranav Mistry is a research assistant and a PhD candidate at MIT Media Lab. SixthSense has recently attracted global attention. Among some of his previous work, Pranav has invented Mouseless - an invisible computer mouse; intelligent sticky notes that can be searched, located and can send reminders and messages; a pen that can draw in 3D; and a public map that can act as Google of physical world. Pranav has commercialized his invention, the sixth sense and SixthSense is now being actively used at NASA. It is rumored that Facebook tried to acquire the technology from Pranav for a reportedly $2 billion and 5% ownership of Facebook, but Pranav decided to open source it instead. He is currently working with Samsung company presently.3. Sunny Vaghela
Sunny Vaghela is one of the countries pioneer Information Security & Cyber Crime Consultant. The young and dynamic personality of Sunny has not only assisted in solving complex cyber crime cases but has also played an instrumental role in creating awareness about information security and cyber crimes. During his graduation at Nirma University he developed projects like SMS Based Control System, Voice Recognition Based Control System exhibiting his sharp acumen for technology. At the age of 18, Sunny exposed loopholes like SMS & Call Forging in Mobile Networks. The technology that allowed to send SMS or Make Call to any International Number from any number of your choice. At Present, He is Director & Chief Technical Officer at TechDefence Consulting Pvt Ltd which is rapidly growing security services & investigation consulting organization focusing on Cyber Crime Investigations,Cyber Law Consulting,Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing,Information Security Training.4. Vivek Ramchandran
Vivek Ramachandran is a world renowned security researcher and evangelist. His expertise includes computer and network security, exploit research, wireless security, computer forensics, embedded systems security, compliance and e-Governance. He is the author of the books – “Wireless Penetration Testing using Backtrack” and “The Metasploit Megaprimer”, both up for worldwide release in mid 2011. Vivek is a B.Tech from and an advisor to the computer science department’s Security Lab. In 2006, Microsoft declared Vivek as one of the winners of the Microsoft Security Shootout Contest held in India among an estimated 65,000 participants. The competition was aimed at finding leading Security Experts in India. Vivek was also awarded a Team Achievement Award by Cisco Systems for his contribution to the 802.1x and Port Security modules in the Catalyst 6500 series of switches. These are high end security features used in Enterprises5. Koushik Dutta